Daily Heating Cost Calculator

Explanation of Calculations

The daily running cost is calculated using the following formula:

Daily Cost = Heater Size (kW) * Hours per Day * Duty Cycle * Cost per kWh * Power Factor

- Duty Cycle is assumed to be 30% (0.3)
- Power Factor is 1 for electricity, and calculated for firewood and pellets based on their efficiency and energy content


  • Heater duty cycle: 30% (heater runs at full capacity 30% of the time)
  • Firewood:
    • Heater efficiency: 60%
    • Energy content: 4.5 kWh/kg
  • Pellets:
    • Heater efficiency: 80%
    • Energy content: 4.8 kWh/kg
  • Heat Pump:
    • Coefficient of Performance (COP): 2.5